Mariusz Hasiak
dr hab., profesor PWr
- ☎️ +48
71 320 3496
- 🏙️ 50-372 Wrocław, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 25 (budynek B1)
- 🚪 113
- Enhancing the relative cooling power of Gd-Ge-Si alloys through F-Block lanthanide alloying
- Fabrication and comprehensive evaluation of Zr-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites for biomedical applications
- Impact of high-temperature heat treatment on the functional properties of Gd-Doped Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy
- In situ rheological characterization during thermoplastic joining of novel Zr-based bulk metallic glasses
- Influence of cooling conditions on coercivity and magnetic anisotropy in NiMn-Ga-(Co-Fe) magnetic shape memory alloys
- Lanthanide-doped Gd-Ge-Si alloys: Microstructure, magnetic properties, and magnetocaloric performance
- Magnetic signatures of structural evolution in amorphous FeZrB alloys: a DSC/M-TG approach
- Micromechanical anisotropy in multifunctional NiMnGa-based shape memory alloys investigated by nanoindentation mapping
- Microstructure to biocompatibility and mechanical properties relationship for Zr-based bulk amorphous/crystalline composites
- Multi-scale characterization of martensite modulation in Ni-Mn-Ga-Co-Fe heusler alloys using atomic force microscopy
- Novel Zr-based bulk metallic glasses with unique physicochemical properties synthesized by innovative processing methods
- A novel approach to analysis of complex crystallization behavior in Zr-based bulk metallic glass by non-isothermal kinetics studies
- Advancing biomedical applications: hardness and wear resistance study of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses compared to 316L SS and Ti6Al4V alloy
- Masywny metaliczny stop amorficzny przeznaczony do termoformowania oraz sposób jego wytwarzania bez konieczności stosowania zaawansowanych technik szybkiego chłodzenia.
- Microstructure, magnetic properties, and application of FINEMET-type alloys with Co addition
- Thermo-smart composite materials: Exploring the potential of graphene-doped porous silica foams
- Effect of alloying additions on microstructure, mechanical and magnetic properties of rapidly cooled bulk Fe-B-M-Cu (M = Ti, Mo and Mn) alloys
- Entalpy of mixing, microstructure, structural, thermomagnetic and mechanical properties of binary Gd-Pb alloys
- Production, mechanical properties and biomedical characterization of ZrTi-based bulk metallic glasses in comparison with 316L stainless steel and Ti6Al4V alloy
- Prospective Zr-based bulk metallic glasses as advanced materials for new generation implants and surgical tools
- Review on biocompatibility and prospect biomedical applications of novel functional metallic glasses
- Some thermomagnetic and mechanical properties of amorphous Fe75Zr4Ti3Cu1B17 ribbons
- Determination of phase transition and critical behavior of the as-cast GdGeSi-(X) type alloys (where X = Ni, Nd and Pr)
- Graphene coating obtained in a cold-wall CVD process on the Co-Cr alloy (L-605) for medical applications
- Investigations of mechanical properties of single grains in multifunctional NiMnGa-based magnetic shape memory alloys
- Magnetocaloric effect in binary Gd-Pb alloys
- Mechanical properties of complex structures of magnetocaloric GdGeSi-based materials
- Studies of the coercivity mechanism in the bulk nanocomposite Pr-Fe-B-type magnets
- Thermoplastic deformation in supercoold liquid region of Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be bulk metallic glass with enhanced mechanical properties
- Właściwości mechaniczne szkła metalicznego na bazie Zr z dodatkiem Si
- Crystallization kinetics and mechanical properties of rapidly quenched Zr50Ti5Cu10Ni10Be25 alloy for additive manufacturing
- Effect of Co, Ti and Cr additions on microstructure, magnetic properties and corrosion resistance of magnetocaloric Gd-Ge-Si alloys
- Evaluation of the chemical composition, TG – DTA and tensile strength tests of commercial gypsum kinds for foundry sandmixes application
- Graphene oxide carboxymethylcellulose nanocomposite for dressing materials
- Microstructural investigation and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified bulk nanocrystalline Fe-based alloys
- Structure and some magnetic properties of amorphous and partially crystallized Fe-(Co)-Mn-Mo-B alloys
- Temperature dependence of anisotropy in Ti and Gd doped NiMnGa-Based multifunctional ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
- Effects of Ti and Gd for Ga substitution on microstructure, magnetic and mechanical properties of polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy
- Microstructure and magnetic properties of NANOPERM-type soft magnetic material
- Microstructure, magnetism and nanomechanical properties of Ni50Mn25Ga20Gd5 magnetic shape memory alloy before and after heat treatment
- Structural, magnetic and mechanical properties of dual-phase Ni50Mn25Ga20Gd5 magnetic shape memory alloy
- Magnetic properties and structure of amorphous Fe74Hf4Ta1Cu1Gd1LaxSi15-xB4 (x=0, 7) ribbons
- Magnetocaloric properties of Fe75Mo8Cu1B16 and Fe81Mo8Cu1B10 metallic glasses
- Application of metallic amorphous materials in composites
- Impact of microstructure upon soft magnetic properties of cobalt-doped metallic glasses
- Low field magnetic properties of FeCo-based alloys
- Otrzymywanie i własności mechaniczne masywnych amorficznych stopów na bazie żelaza
- Microstructure, magnetic properties, and applications of Co-rich HITPERM-type amorphous alloys
- Investigations and applications of nanoperm-type soft magnetic materials
- Microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe-Co-Nd-Y-B alloys obtained by suction casting method
- Microstructure and magnetic properties of bulk amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe61Co10Zr2.5Hf2.5Nb2W2B20 alloy
- Microstructure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe-based alloys
- Microstructure investigations and magnetic after-effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe-Zr-Ti-B-Cu alloy
- Some magnetic properties of bulk amorphous Fe-Co-Zr-Hf-Ti-W-B-(Y) alloys