Plan Seminariów
O nas
Zakład Inżynierii Biomedycznej
Zespół Badawczy Dynamiki i Modelowania
Laboratrium Wielofunkcyjnych Materiałów Amorficznych i Krystalicznych
Laboratorium Kompozytów Polimerowych i Konstrukcji Lekkich
Zespół Badawczy Materiałów Zol-Żel
Zespół Badawczy Wytrzymałości, Zmęczenia Materiałów i Konstrukcji
Zespół Badawczy Materiałów SMART
Daniel Lewandowski
dr hab., profesor PWr.
Zespół Badawczy Materiałów SMART
+48 71 320 2899
🏙️ 50-372 Wrocław, ul. Mariana Smoluchowskiego 25 (budynek B1)
🚪 115
Magneto-mechano-caloric properties of NiMnIn alloys, practical challenges in manufacturing and characterization processes
System for high purity multicaloric alloys preparation
Mechanical properties of silica aerogels controlled by synthesis parameters
Numerical investigation of working fluid properties impacting performance of magnetocaloric cooling device
Influence of the magnetic field direction on the deformation of magnetostrictive material
Magnetocaloric heat pump with novel magnetocaloric regenerator geometry
The effect of intraocular pressure elevation and related ocular biometry changes on corneal OCT speckle distribution in porcine eyes
Corneal pulsation and biomechanics during induced ocular pulse. An ex-vivo pilot study
Flexible sol-gel coatings on polymeric and metallic materials
Novel approach of silica-PVA hybrid aerogel synthesis by simultaneous sol-gel process and phase separation
Organically functionalized sol-gel silica network growth
Relationships between corneal OCT speckle parameters, corneal deformation parameters and ocular biometrics in porcine eyes in intraocular pressure elevation study
Experimental study of the effect of regenerator bed length on the performance of a magnetic cooling system
Multicaloric effect: Toward a breakthrough in cooling technology
The fabrication and the identification of damping properties of magnetorheological composites for energy dissipation
Tunable Absorption System based on magnetorheological elastomers and Halbach array :design and testing
Impact absorption system based on MRE with Halbach array
Investigations on magnetoelectric composites based on Torfenol-D & PZT in an alternating magnetic field conditions
Test setup for examination of magneto-mechanical properties of magnetorheological elastomers with use of a novel approach
Application of vibration for energy data transfer in mechanical constructions; Energy Harvesting
Magnetostriction of field-structural composite with Terfenol-D particles
A test stand to study the possibility of using magnetocaloric materials for refrigerators
An idea of the test stand for studies of magnetobarocaloric materials properties and possibilities of their application
Dynamiczna analiza elastomerów magnetoreologicznych o różnej zawartości cząstek ferromagnetycznych
Energy harvester based on Terfenol-D for low power devices
Investigations of magnetorheological elastomers subjected to cyclic loading
Test stand and method for determination of the usefulness of the magnetorheological composites in active suspension systems
Design concept of test stand for determining properties of magnetorheological elastomer
Design of a test stand for investigations of materials exhibiting the magnetocaloric effect
Study into the magnetic field for a magnetocaloric cooling system with the use of magnetovision
Badanie mikrostruktury rozkładu powierzchniowego pierwiastków stopu NiMnGa
Identification of magnetostrictive composites at low frequencies of magnetic field changes
Selected magnetomechanical properties of magnetorheological elastomers with thermoplastic matrices
Właściwości magnetomechaniczne kompozytów z proszkiem materiału o gigantycznej magnetostrykcji
Wytwarzanie i badanie elastomerów magnetoreologicznych na bazie matrycy termoplastycznej
Magnetomechanical properties of anisotropic and isotropic magnetorheological composites with thermoplastic elastomer matrices
Smart magnetic composites
Isotropic magnetorheological elastomers with thermoplastic matrices: structure, damping properties and testing
3D magnetovision scanner as a tool for investigation of magnetomechanical principles
Magnetomechanical properties of Terfenol-D powder composites
Magnetorheological composites as semi-active elements of dampers
Właściwości mechaniczne izotropowych i anizotropowych elastomerów magnetoreologicznych z matrycą termoplastyczną
Inelastic properties of magnetorheological composites: I. Fabrication, experimental tests, cyclic shear properties
Inelastic properties of magnetorheological composites: II. Model, identification of parameters
Experimental identification of magnetorheological composites and elastomers properties
Właściwości tłumiące kompozytów magnetoreologicznych. Badania, modele, identyfikacja
Kinetyka efektów krzyżowych w procesie przemiany martenzytycznej indukowanej cyklicznym odkształceniem w próbkach masywnych